Thursday, October 6, 2011


So to go with the adorable shoes I just posted- I need dresses! These are only a few I have found. The one on the right, is not the right color, but I think the design of the dress is so cute. I like the idea if bridesmaids wearing different dresses, but all a similar color and style. This could be difficult if I have a multiple bridesmaids, but I will worry about that later!

Cute shoes

I love shoes.

I love shoes actually too much. The other night I spent a good hour looking up cute shoes! So I am really liking the colors mustard yellow and gray so I found shoes to match those colors!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

For Rachel

This post is for Rachel. I promised Rachel for month's now that I would blog and today is the day! I vow that I will be a better blogger and post a ton of pictures just for you:)